Many, many moons ago, a young and beautiful couple traveled the oceans from a land of coconut trees,paddy fields, mangoes and tea estates. A land that is braced by the Arabian Sea and studded with backwater canals. Glorious seafood was plentiful, and the Hindu, Muslim and Catholic communities of the region, prepare a variety of delicious dishes. I am a product of that young couple, and originate from Kerala, that lovely state in the South West corner of India. As such, I crave a good fish curry pretty often. In Kerala this fish would probably be wrapped in banana leaves and grilled over a fire, but a simple marinade and a few minutes in the oven can produce similar results.Accompany the creamy sauce with steamed brown rice and a side dish of Roasted Cauliflower. At the risk of repeating myself, it is "Healthy and Delicious". Enjoy! RECIPE Serves 4-6 1 2 lb. whole fish , scaled, gutted (use whatever looks good at the market)* 1 cup cilantro, chopped 2 tablespoo...