
Showing posts from October, 2012


Many, many moons ago, a young and beautiful couple traveled the oceans from a land of coconut trees,paddy fields, mangoes and tea estates. A land that is braced by the Arabian Sea and studded with backwater canals. Glorious seafood was plentiful, and the Hindu, Muslim and Catholic communities of the region, prepare a variety of delicious dishes. I am a product of that young couple, and originate from Kerala, that lovely state in the South West corner of India. As such, I crave a good fish curry pretty often. In Kerala this fish would probably be wrapped in banana leaves and grilled over a fire, but a simple marinade and a few minutes in the oven can produce similar results.Accompany the creamy sauce with steamed brown rice and a side dish of Roasted Cauliflower. At the risk of repeating myself, it is "Healthy and Delicious". Enjoy! RECIPE Serves 4-6 1 2 lb. whole fish , scaled, gutted (use whatever looks good at the market)* 1 cup cilantro, chopped 2 tablespoo


OK. So I've gotten stuck on the Mexican Trail, and frankly I am enjoying  the journey. I blame Saveur Magazines" August/September 2012 issue. I was ready to pack my bags, but I headed into the kitchen instead. I had chicken breast leftovers, from roasting a chicken. I tossed it with sauted spinach, wrapped it in corn tortillas, and laced them with a chili-tomato sauce. Yum!                                                                      For you vegans, skip the cheese, (which is minimal)  and for my vegetarians, skip the chicken. Both variation are scrumptious and simple. Enjoy! Tip : make extra salsa to drizzle on meats or eggs, or just to dip with baked chips for a healthy snack. RECIPE 2-4 SERVINGS Sauce   3 each of guajillo or ancho chiles, stemmed and seeded hot water to cover 1 medium onion, chopped 3 large garlic cloves, minced 1 tablespoon ground cumin 1 1/2 teaspoons ground coriander 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, preferably Me


I love Chiles Rellenos. They are cheese or meat stuffed poblano peppers, that are dipped in a fluffy meringue, floured and deep-fried, and I adore every, not so healthy, bite. Thank you Oaxaca, Mexico, for this fabulous creation. However, I made them without deep-frying, but by baking them with a cheesy vegetable stuffing, and I served it with rice and beans. My Mexican amigos may faint with horror, but, honestly, they were quite delicious, and easier on the arteries. The pepper were spicy, sweet, and combined with the creamy stuffing it, literally, melted in your mouth. Having the real deal every now and then is fine, and enjoy every morsel. But for those of us who need a fix more frequently, this vegetarian meal satisfies the soul. And even you carnivores may display a reluctant smile! RECIPE ( 2 servings) 4 medium poblano pepper 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 1 small onion, minced 1 clove garlic, minced 1 jalapeno, minced (seeded if you dont want heat) 1 small red pepper, d


I served this with Roast Chicken, but it is a quick and healthy side dish that can accompany a variety of main courses. Both mustard seeds and cumin boost your immune system to ward of  cold and flu, and cumin has, for centuries, been used in India, as a digestive. Simple, delicious and healthy too? Who could ask for anything more? RECIPE (SERVES 4) 1 pound green beans 2 teaspoons canola oil 2 teaspoons mustard seeds 2 teaspoons cumin seeds salt and pepper to taste Trim ends of beans and cut into 2" lengths. Heat the oil in a skillet, and add the mustard seeds. Immediately place a cover on the pan, keeping the heat at a medium flame. You will hear the mustard seeds popping and hitting the top of the lid. The minutes the sound ends lift the lid and add the cumin seed for 20 seconds, stiirring to coat with oil. Now, add the beans, salt and 1/2 cup water. Cover, lower flame and simmer for 5-10 minutes, until the beans are done.


The crunch is on! Thanksgiving looms ahead and decisions have to be made. What's the theme?(we always have a theme, and a different one each year). Whose preparing which dish? How many people? It is a week of family returning home from various parts of the country, and the Inn at Hoover Avenue,  is full. After a week or two of haggling, a delectable menu emerges, and all in the family are truly thankful! I have started testing recipes, and, I think this may the finalist for our Turkey extravaganza. Let the squabbling begin!!! I  roasted a chicken and served it with Green Beans Tossed with Mustard and Cumin Seeds. A cucumber salad will also be a nice accompaniment. RECIPE 6-8 servings 1 stick butter or 1/2 cup Greek yoghurt 2 tablespoons ground cumin 2 tablespoons ground coriander 4 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 tablespoon celery salt 2 teaspoons cayenne 1 teaspoon ground ginger 10 cloves, ground 5 loves garlic salt to taste Mix all the ingre


Once again I turn to the simple yet delicious food from Diane Kolichas. Her book, "Meze", provides an abundance of recipes that are constantly enjoyed by my family and friends. Serve this with the Zucchini and Potatoes in a Skillet , and listen to the sighs of contentment. RECIPE (4 servings) MARINADE 1 1/2 cups dry red wine 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 bay leaves 2 tablespoons minced garlic salt and pepper to taste 2 1/2 pounds boneless pork shoulder, cut into 1 1/2" cubes RELISH cayenne pepper to taste 1-2 large red onions, sliced 1 1/2 cups Greek yoghurt Steep the pork in the marinade for 4 hours. Heat a gril (I used a grill pan), and grill pork for about 5 minutes per side. Remove. Dust generously with cayenne and onions, and serve with yoghurt on the side.


The Glorious Foods of Greece by (once again) Diane Kolichas, is a history, anthropology and culinary treasure, all  rolled up in one. I delve into it as if it were a novel of suspense, and, before I know it, several hours have passed.  This recipe is so pretty. It make me feel as though I just created a work of art, and, when consumed, I realize that I have. Thanks again, Diane! RECIPE (4-6 servings) 5-6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 4 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed salt and pepper 4 garlic clove 1 cup fresh mint 2 medium tomatoes, diced 3-4 medium zucchini, diced freshly ground pepper Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a skillet, and add potatoes, 1/3 garlic and 3 tablespoons mint. Sprinkle with salt, cover and cook on medium low flame for 8 minutes. Next, spread 1/2 the tomatoes over the potatoes, more mint, 1/3 garlic and salt. Layer the zucchini and, again, sprinkle with mint, salt and pepper, the remaining garlic and the remaining tomatoes. Pour the remaining


I think my husband is addicted to Chicken Curry. It must have begun  in London, where as a wild teenage boy (well before our acquaintance) he had his first taste of Indian food. As a result, I am constantly on a quest for a new recipe. I was getting stuck in a rut with Chilli Chicken (previous blog), and my mothers' Kerala Chicken Curry. Both are delicious and family faves, but the cook was getting bored. Cardamom Chicken Curry is easy to prepare.A marinade and slow cooking over a low flame, produces a rich, fragrant curry to be enjoyed with simple, boiled white rice, (brown for the compulsively health conscious). I served it with a saute of Pumpkin and Potatoes, and a new family favorite was born. RECIPE SERVES 2-4 2 whole chicken legs 1/2 cup yoghurt 1 teaspoon cayenne powder 1 teaspoon turmeric 6 pods of green cardamom, crushed 1 tablespoon canola oil 1 cinnamon  stick 1 medium onion, minced 1 clove garlic minced 1 serrano chili minced  1 inch piece ginger minced


When I think back on the amazing restaurant meals that I have consumed, 2 immediate visuals pop into my head. both were probably the most expensive  and so I quickly shove them out of my thoughts. However, restaurant Primaveras Truffle Pasta and Gray Kuntz' Truffle Risotto (notice the recurring theme?) were both Heaven on earth. Truffles are definitely not in my budget so I didnt even attempt to recreate either of these dishes. Then I discovered Truffle Pasta (yes, the truffles are in the dough), truffle oil, and truffle salt. All affordable, and tossed together, my Nirvana. RECIPE SERVES 2 4 oz truffle pasta 1 tablespoon butter + 1 tablespoon olive oil 8 oz mushrooms, chopped 2 teaspoons fresh sage, chopped 1/4 cup parmesan 1 teaspoon truffle oil sprinklling of truffle salt balck pepper to taste (optional Cook the pasta according to directions. Saute mushrooms in butter and oil for 2-3 minutes. Add the pasta, sage, and half the cheese, with 1/4 cup of the pasta wa


What a fun evening! My friend Rudy, my daughter Layla, hubby and I, discussing domestic and foreign policy (rather heatedly at times), and trying to solve the woes of the world. All the while, we were creating a beautiful pot of reddish-golden rice, chocked full of chorizo, smoked sausages, shrimps and mussels, glistening with roasted red and poblano peppers, and summer squash. Paella, is historically, an East meets West creation. In coastal Valencia Spain, the Moors brought the rice and Roman irrigation made treasures from the land, bountiful. Originally rabbit, snails, seafood, artichokes and small navy beans were added to the saffron flavored rice, but today, there are many variations. Though Valencians frown upon this practice, the rest of Spain has claimed Paella as their national dish. The night commenced with lively conversation while simmering a seafood stock, sauteing vegetables and meats, washing and debearding mussels, and shelling shrimp. All culminated in a fabulous meal


My mother makes this chicken dish smothered with lots of onions and spices.It is rich and decadent, and has always been  a favorite of mine. While raising my family "Chili Chicken" was constantly requested by my kids. I made the dish with Chicken Wings, and we ate it with a Cabbage tossed with Mustard Seeds, and lots of hot Whole Wheat Breads called Chapatis. Last night my husband, Michael, asked if I could prepare it, and I realized that it was the first time that I was cooking the dish for only 2 people. My mind traveled through time, from dining with my parents and my brother while growing up, to having meals with my children and their father, to the present, where its just the 2 of us at the table. Throughout, this dish continues to delight. Life keeps changing and those around our dining table evolve, but if we share past pleasures we can spread the joy for years and generations to come. Thanks, Mom! RECIPE SERVES 2 2 tablespoons canola oil 6 chicken wings 2 l