
Showing posts from September, 2012


So, you need a tablespoon of dill for a particular recipe, you buy the bunch, and watch it die as the week proceeds. What a waste. I started blending the remaining dill with a cup of Greek Yoghurt, (or for those of you who like it rich, 1/2 yoghurt and 1/2 creme fraiche), a couple of scallions, salt and pepper. Bottle it and use it to dress salads, toss it with roasted potatoes or, make a lovely side dish of creamed greens to accompany grilled or roasted meats or seafood, as I did for last nights dinner. I had some beautiful Roasted Wild Coho Salmon, a treat for my Seattle born Hubby, served it with Wilted Spinach and Chive tossed with My Creamy Dill Dressing. Yum!


I happen to love them. I saute them in butter and/or olive oil, throw them in meat stews and curries, or just munch on them raw. Yum! However, all you CSA people, with piles of radishes in your box, saute those greens right away, and store them in the fridge to add to any number of dishes. Then make this delicious dip. It can be made to finish a soup, thinned into a dressing, or just devoured with flatbreads or pita chips. It keeps in the refrigerator, but I assure you, it wont last long. RECIPE (Makes 4 cups) 1 lb radishes, diced 3/4 cup sourcream 1/2cup Greek yoghurt 3 oz feta cheese 1 teaspoon lemon zest 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/3cup dill salt and pepper to taste  Mix it all up and ENJOY! For those of you who like a little kick and color in you lives, mince a jalapeno or serrano chili, and toss it in.


What is comfort food? For a Japanese it may be a bowl of noodles, for a South Indian (like me), perhaps some rice and Sambar, (a lentil stew), and for my daughter, Layla, it is, unquestionably, my Mothers grilled cheese sandwich. When I was growing up, comfort food in my family meant Spanish or Mexican Rice, even though neither culture has any bearing on my familys' origin. Nevertheless, it made us happy and gave us comfort. I prepared this dish the other day, for my family and my daughter, Sarinas', friends. My Mother always served it with a Cucumber Salad with Yoghurt and Dill, and so did I. As the "Mmmmmmmmmmms" buzzed through the room, I am happy to report that my Moms' comfort food continues on to the next generation. Try it and Enjoy! We called it Spanish Rice, but the recipe say Mexican. I dont think it is either! RECIPE (6servings) 3 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup raw rice 1 onion, thinly sliced 3 clove garlic, minced 1 lb ground beef 1 ta