My daughter, Layla, is a wonderful cook. She bakes her own bread, cooks dinner practically every night, and test her recipes until achieving perfection. For some unfathomable reason, she stresses and frets over making Indian food. This makes no sense, especially considering the fact that it is half her heritage. On returning from India she purchased a good curry paste and curry powder, not knowing which was better. Then she attempted to prepare a curry with her usual fears and trepidations. Layla, this is for you. It is fast and easy, and you need not panic anymore. Both curry paste or powder can be used, and the quality is what counts. I use Bolts Curry Powder and Patel pastes , of which there are many different types. The key to a good curry is to take the time between each step, so that the vegetables can sweat, the spices shed their raw flavor, and the meats simmer on a low flame until soft and succulent. Take it nice and easy and be sure to BREATHE. meat in marinade...